
Total turns: 30

This version of Battleship will be for a single player. You have a total of (row numbers x 3) turns to sink all 3 ships. There are 2 Destroyers with a length of 2 cells and 1 battleship with a length of 4 cells. Each time you hit correctly you will gain a life. Otherwise once you hit 0 lives left, you will automatically lose. If you do sink all the ships, you will be declared a winner.

  • Click on the cell
  • A cell will turn gray if you MISSED
  • A cell will turn yellow if you HIT a destroyer ship
  • A cell will return red if you HIT a battleship
  • If all ships are sunk, the game will end and you will be declared a WINNER
  • If a ship is entirely sunk, you will get SUNK back as a result